Results of the 2024 Wells Chili-Fest Cook-Off
The Annual Wells Chili-Fest takes place on Saturday, August 24, 2024 at the Wells Junior High School on U.S. Route 1, Wells, Maine from 11 am until 3 pm. This will be the 23rd year of our Chili-Fest. Our event is sanctioned by the International Chili Society and winners in various categories (Chili, Chili Verde, Homestyle and Salsa) may qualify to advance to the World Chili Championship Cook-Offs. Contestants for these cook-offs must be ICS members. However, we also will have an open cook-off for the People's Choice prize. Have a look at our fact sheet and contest forms for more details.If you would like to become one of our sponsors, we have several levels of sponsorship from which you may choose. Please visit our Sponsorship page for more details.
If you are a food vendor and want to sell your products at our event, please go to our Vendors page for more information.
The Wells Chamber of Commerce hosted our 23rd Annual Chili Fest this past Saturday ... the weather was perfect and a fun time was had by all!
Many thanks to all of the ICS Cooks ... without them, we wouldn't have a Chili Fest. A special thanks goes out to Head Judge and Scorekeeper, Mike and Mary Alice Kropp ... they go above and beyond for us.
Thank you to our sponsors ... Primary Event Sponsor Kennebunk Savings, Gold Sponsor DF Richard Energy, Bronze Sponsors Partners Bank and PeoplesChoice Credit Union.
Thank you to Tony Hafford at TC Hafford Basement Systems for the use of the truck and trailer, Maine Diner for the supply of ice, Congdon's Doughnuts for the early morning coffee and doughnuts.
Thank you to the myriad of volunteers who make this event so successful: Friends of the Wells Chamber Patti & Jim Berger, Maureen Clayton, Helen Schadlick, Jim Kanak, Bob Burt, Carol Higgins and Andrew Robar; Wells Chamber Civic Members Mike Manos and Darr Littlefield, Dan Bowden of Pilots Cove Cafe, Matt Beatrice, Sara Noonan and Colleen Feeney of Kennebunk Savings, Koriahn Quint of Benefits and Beyond, Adam Hedio, Coldwell Banker Realty, ICS Judges Ed & Becky Vieira and Peter Falk; Wells Chamber employees Jess Grimes and Michael Scott.
Fabulous job everyone!How good is your chili?
Why not find out at the Wells Chili-Fest? Even if you are not an ICS member you may still enter your chili into the People's Choice Chili Cook-Off.
You might also want to consider joining the International Chili Society. Please visit their web site for more information. Why not take your chili or salsa to the World Chili Championship Cook-Off someday?
A special thanks to all our sponsors. See you at Chili-Fest.
Our 2024
Kennebunk Savings is a Primary Event Sponsor
D.F. Richard Energy is a Gold Event Sponsor
PO BOX 356, WELLS, ME 04090
207-646-2451 voice ~ 207-646-8104 faxAbout Chili-Fest | Fact Sheet | Contest Forms | Sponsorship | Vendors | Area Lodging | Photo Gallery
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